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Odhadnite solárny potenciál vašej lokality
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Time Series a TMY dáta pre optimálny dizajn elektrárne
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Hodnotenie fotovoltického výstupu v reálnom čase
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Predpoveď výroby solárnej energie na až 14 dní
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Spravujte všetky solárne dáta na jednom mieste
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Automatizujte dodávku Solargis dát
Príklady použitia
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Výber lokality
Nájdite správnu lokalitu pre váš solárny projekt
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Simulácia energetického výnosu
Analyzujte potenciálne zisky a riziká
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Optimalizácia návrhu elektrárne
Nájdite optimálny dizajn pre vašu solárnu elektráreň
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Skutočný výkon elektrárne
Poznajte skutočný výnos vašej elektrárne
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Predpoveď výkonu
Predpovedajte výnos z vášho solárneho projektu
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Overenie pozemných dát
Overte si kvalitu solárnych a meteo meraní
Hodnotenie solárneho zdroja a meteorologických dát
Detailné hodnotenie a validácia solárneho zdroja
Prispôsobenie modelov Solargis lokalite
Kombinácia satelitných dát s lokálnymi meraniami
Kontrola kvality solárnych a meteorologických meraní
Oprava chýb v dátach z pozemných meraní
GIS dáta na mieru
Solargis GIS dáta prispôsobené pre vaše aplikácie
Posúdenie energetického výnosu z fotovoltiky
Odhadnite neistotu vstupných dát
Hodnotenie výkonu fotovoltiky
Odhad energie pre refinancovanie alebo akvizíciu
Štúdia PV variability a optimalizácie skladovania energie
Pochopte variabilitu výstupu naprieč regiónmi
Regionálna štúdia potenciálu solárnej energie
Identifikácia lokalít pre solárne elektrárne
Naša expertíza
Ako naša technológia funguje?
Ako preklápame vedu do technológie?
Knowledge base
Release notes
Príbehy klientov
Bezplatné mapy a GIS dáta
Mapy solárneho výkonu
O spoločnosti Solargis
ISO certifikáty

New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->

Comprehensive, End-to-End security

Our Solargis platform is hosted entirely on Amazon Web Services (AWS), which offers built-in, industry-leading security and privacy features. Our team builds on this infrastructure with proactive measures, ensuring that we meet security standards. For more specific details on AWS’s security measures, please refer to 


Aligned with ISO/IEC 27001:2022

The management of Solargis is committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all physical and electronic information assets throughout Solargis globally in order to preserve and safeguard the firm’s corporate and client data, systems, and applications. Information and information security requirements are aligned with goals of Solargis and the Information Security Management System (ISMS).

The Management of Solargis, represented by its CEO, declares its Information Security Policy following the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001:2022, which is accessible, understood, implemented, and maintained by the personnel at all levels.

Solargis has established an Information Security organization, chaired by the Information Security Committee and including the Chief Information Security Officer and specialists in different security areas to support the ISMS framework.

Data center security

Solargis customer data is stored securely in AWS’s cloud environment, backed by AWS’s SOC 2 Type 2 certification. AWS’s infrastructure complies with a wide array of certifications, third-party assessments, and rigorous physical security controls, ensuring protection for data stored in Amazon-controlled data centers around the world.

These data centers feature advanced physical controls to prevent unauthorized access, further enhancing the security for your data. Additional details on AWS data center security can be found here: 

Localized data residency

To comply with regional data protection requirements, we securely store client data in AWS-operated data centers in Ireland, in the European region.

Although data resides in Europe, our security protocols are designed to protect all clients worldwide. This setup ensures that our platform meets European data residency standards while maintaining the highest level of security, privacy, and accessibility for our global customer base.

Data encryption and protection

All data in the Solargis platform is stored in the cloud and protected by encryption protocols. Whether data is at rest or in transit, our encryption standards ensure that client information is secure and accessible only to authorized users.

Regular penetration testing and enterprise-grade security

We partner with third-party security experts who conduct regular penetration tests on our systems. These assessments help us proactively identify and address vulnerabilities. With a dedicated security team and enterprise-grade security standards, Solargis is committed to keeping your data safe from potential threats.