menu item
Odhadnite solárny potenciál vašej lokality
menu item
Time Series a TMY dáta pre optimálny dizajn elektrárne
menu item
Hodnotenie fotovoltického výstupu v reálnom čase
menu item
Predpoveď výroby solárnej energie na až 14 dní
menu item
Spravujte všetky solárne dáta na jednom mieste
menu item
Automatizujte dodávku Solargis dát
Príklady použitia
menu item
Výber lokality
Nájdite správnu lokalitu pre váš solárny projekt
menu item
Simulácia energetického výnosu
Analyzujte potenciálne zisky a riziká
menu item
Optimalizácia návrhu elektrárne
Nájdite optimálny dizajn pre vašu solárnu elektráreň
menu item
Skutočný výkon elektrárne
Poznajte skutočný výnos vašej elektrárne
menu item
Predpoveď výkonu
Predpovedajte výnos z vášho solárneho projektu
menu item
Overenie pozemných dát
Overte si kvalitu solárnych a meteo meraní
Hodnotenie solárneho zdroja a meteorologických dát
Detailné hodnotenie a validácia solárneho zdroja
Prispôsobenie modelov Solargis lokalite
Kombinácia satelitných dát s lokálnymi meraniami
Kontrola kvality solárnych a meteorologických meraní
Oprava chýb v dátach z pozemných meraní
GIS dáta na mieru
Solargis GIS dáta prispôsobené pre vaše aplikácie
Posúdenie energetického výnosu z fotovoltiky
Odhadnite neistotu vstupných dát
Hodnotenie výkonu fotovoltiky
Odhad energie pre refinancovanie alebo akvizíciu
Štúdia PV variability a optimalizácie skladovania energie
Pochopte variabilitu výstupu naprieč regiónmi
Regionálna štúdia potenciálu solárnej energie
Identifikácia lokalít pre solárne elektrárne
Naša expertíza
Ako naša technológia funguje?
Ako preklápame vedu do technológie?
API & integrácia
Ako integrovať Solargis dáta cez API
Príručky a dokumentácia
Release notes
Príbehy klientov
Bezplatné mapy a GIS dáta
Mapy solárneho výkonu
O spoločnosti Solargis
ISO certifikáty

Táto stránka zatiaľ nie je preložená do slovenčiny. Pozrieť si ju môžete v angličtine.

How to unlock full Prospect features

The first time you access Prospect you may see that some of the features are hidden or locked. Read the following notes to learn how to unlock them.

Switch from personal to company account. If you are already a member (either admin or regular user) of a company account subscribed to any of the Prospect paid plans (Basic or Professional) you need to make sure that your access is switched from your personal account (the one that is created the first time you sign up) to your company account (the one that is actually linked to your Prospect paid plan).
To switch to your company account, please follow these instructions:

  • Sign-in from
  • Click on the top right corner to see the drop drown menu
  • From the options that appear below, please select the account related to your Prospect paid plan


switch to company


Unhide parameters from the map view. After you have switched to your company account by following the previous instructions, some of the parameters available under your paid plan may be hidden in your Prospect map view. You can control this from the map settings accessible at the button below your username. From there, you can check/uncheck the parameters you want to see under the map data section.

unhide maps


Set a configuration for your PV project. When opening a new project after doing the site selection from the map view, some of the reports provided by Prospect are shown as locked. If you are already signed in under a company account with a paid subscription, you just need to select a PV configuration to see all these values unlocked.

add configuration


If after following the previous steps, you are still unable to use Prospect paid features, it is possible that your subscription is not activated yet.

How long does it take to activate the subscription?

After purchasing a subscription to Prospect, the access to the app for your company account will be activated within 24 hours. Then, the admin user of your company account will receive a notification email confirming the activation. From that moment, you can start using all the features covered by your Prospect plan. Please make sure about this:

If you are using a free trial, the access to Prospect features will instantly apply to the project site of your choice after you confirm that you want to use your assigned credit.

What are the advantages of Prospect app?

Prospect is a powerful tool that allows to quickly perform an accurate estimation of solar energy potential during the pre-feasibility phase.

Prospect has many advantages among others:

  • Access to solar and meteo data parameters + prior assessment PV modeling in a single platform
  • Access to 24 interactive map layers (humidity, wind, snow, precipitable water, degrees of cooling days, degrees of heating days, air temperature, etc.)
  • Accuracy — our data is the most accurate and reliable among the solar databases available as proven by independent comparison studies
  • Ability to produce reports in PDF and extract project data into XML or CSV
  • Possibility of creating model projects applicable to other projects created later (optimization based on parameters as tilt, row spacing, etc.)
  • The functionality of comparing several projects with each other or several configurations on the same project (ex: tracker or fixed)
  • Interface available in multilingual for international teams: Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, etc.
  • The use of real rather than synthetic data for the calculations.
  • Features such as horizon study, project management, project comparison and project finance calculator.

How to use a free trial

If you want to redeem a free trial, valid for one site of your choice, please follow this:

  1. Sign in to Prospect app; please create an account if you don't have one yet.
  2. Select the site where you want to use the free trial.
  3. Save the site by clicking on 'save as a project'.
  4. Click on 'activate free trial' at the upper top part of the page.
  5. Click on 'activate' to confirm the site you have chosen as a free trial.
  6. Open the project and get full access to Prospect features for that site.


free trial 2