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New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->

  • Increased global data demand across the Americas, Europe and Southeast Asia shows maturity of the solar market, as Solargis surpasses 45GW monitoring and forecasting milestone
  • But Solargis warns of a growing ‘mismatch’ between the information value of resource data and the solar energy software used to interpret it

Bratislava, 16 December – Adoption of high-quality solar resource data for prospecting, evaluation, monitoring and solar forecasting has increased substantially in 2021 as the global solar PV market has developed. However, there is still a significant amount of untapped value in this data as the industry enters the next phase of its growth in 2022.

solar aerial blog

This is evidenced by demand witnessed over the past 12 months by the market’s leading solar and meteorological data and software provider, Solargis, whose data has informed the development of over 200GW of solar assets worldwide, and is now used for monitoring and forecasting of more than 45GW of projects.

According to Solargis, this uptake indicates an important shift in mindset as solar stakeholders begin to procure high quality weather and solar data as an industry standard. The trend has been witnessed not only in established markets like the US and Europe – driving Solargis to open a new office in Toronto and expand its Bratislava HQ – but also in many emerging markets of America and Asia.

Overall, the global business has expanded its team by more than a third in 2021 as it seeks to support a growing customer base and advisory needs in development and evaluation of new generation PV projects.

Marcel Suri, Managing Director, Solargis, said: “The growing need for reliable site-specific data evidences how the solar sector recognises its routine role in efficient evaluation of innovative designs and low-margin financing. As the sector faces up to evolving resource and weather-related risks, we also observe this acknowledgement of the critical role accurate resource data plays from prospecting through to long-term asset operation.”

However, Solargis warns that significant further investment is needed by the industry in 2022 to address a disparity in the quality and information value of data being procured and the software applications. Limitations in standard software approaches are preventing users from getting full value from the datasets in which they are investing.

Most of the data used to inform industry decision-making today takes the form of simplified or ‘degraded’ data sets. This means that a large amount of useful information is locked away and more sophisticated software is needed to allow for optimisation of complex hybrid designs and full consideration of location-specific conditions. This is an industry-wide problem that, moving forwards into the next year, must be addressed.

Industry faces numerous challenges, solution of which is to a large extent encoded the high quality data:

  • Increasing frequency of extreme weather poses a challenge to predictability of energy generation and increases risks in valuation of solar assets
  • Increasing capacity of assets, both wind and solar, that have to be smoothly integrated into the electrical grids
  • New technologies such as bifacial and hybrid PV, intelligent trackers, and floating PV necessitating new approaches to acquiring and interpreting very high resolution data.

Marcel continued: “Going into 2022, we need to invest into further improvement and extension of solar and environmental data, and into better software platforms. We are seeing a growing mismatch between the data provided and the tools used to interpret it. Simply put, data today is offering more value than can be exploited using existing software tools and energy evaluation approaches.

“The next phase of renewables has begun, and we intend to take a leading role in overcoming the market challenges that accompany this. Solargis plans to respond with new solutions that accommodate the complexity of the data that we are supplying to our customers.”

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Precipitable Water (PWAT) - new data parameter
Solargis news

Precipitable Water (PWAT) - new data parameter

Precipitable water or ‘PWAT’ in short, is the depth of water in a column of the atmosphere if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain.

Training in Beijing: sharing our knowledge with chinese professionals and the public
Solargis news

Training in Beijing: sharing our knowledge with chinese professionals and the public

We shared our knowledge with professionals in the solar energy industry in China during Assessment of solar resource measurement technology exchange event.

Annual average values of solar resource and temperature are now available for free via iMaps
Solargis news

Annual average values of solar resource and temperature are now available for free via iMaps

From today onwards, we are also opening access to long-term annual averages of key solar parameters GHI, DIF, and DNI via Solargis iMaps prospecting tool.