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  • Solargis’ satellite-based solar data and PV simulations support Shift Energy Japan in their bid to finance and roll out distributed solar energy projects across Asia

Fukuoka, Japan, April 3rd, 2023 — Solargis, the trusted reference point for solar data and software services, has signed a long-term agreement to provide its satellite-based solar data and PV simulation services to Shift Energy Japan (SEJ), part of the global Shift Energy group.

Solargis’ PV simulation services are used by SEJ to evaluate the feasibility of a rapidly growing project pipeline of distributed 100-1000kWp solar PV projects throughout Japan and Southeast Asia. Once these projects become operational, Solargis’ satellite-based solar irradiance data are used to monitor and assess project performance, delivering key insights into their operations.

The agreement brings Solargis’ high-resolution accurate data – used by developers and operators of advanced large-scale solar PV projects worldwide – to the distributed solar space. It helps SEJ set a new standard for performance evaluation and monitoring, boosting investor confidence, and enhancing the value these solar installations bring to SEJ’s corporate and industrial (C&I) customers across Japan.

Japan has been steadily expanding its solar market since the 1990s, but its complex topography and geography compounds solar resource variability, necessitating sophisticated solar data and software services. With a shortage of available land mass, distributed small-scale PV projects offer C&I users a means to diversify their energy supply - but to meet this demand, Japanese solar developers and operators require an accurate understanding of the feasibility of future projects and the financial returns of those in operation. 

Solargis’ extensive experience in the global solar market, with granular, site-specific solar data and PV simulation services, makes the company a suitable partner, not only for SEJ but for the wider Japanese market. Solargis’ solar data continues to lead the market for its accuracy and reliability, helping developers and operators overcome resource and financial uncertainty, including from complex terrain and difficult geographies.

Marcel Suri, CEO at Solargis, commented: “SEJ is not alone in facing the challenges that arise from developing and operating solar projects in Japan. The country’s terrain is unique and requires sophisticated solar data and accurate PV simulations, so that investors and lenders can be certain about their current and projected returns.
As SEJ ramps up its 100-1000kWp project pipeline, we’re very much looking forward to supporting the company as it brings certainty to its financial backers and delivers value to its customers.”

Louis Klépal, Deputy General Manager, Shift Energy Japan, added: “It is paramount in our business that we can measure viability and risks associated to investments. There is real potential for distributed solar power in Asia and, in Japan, we hope to answer to the growing needs of the population. Projects must be carried out in a sensible way with scientific insights, which is what Solargis continues to bring to the table throughout the lifespan of our projects.”

About Solargis
Solargis is a data and software architect for bankable solar investments.
Solargis works with solar stakeholders throughout the lifetime of their projects and portfolios, reducing risk and creating transparency with the most accurate and reliable solar data on the market.
Solargis data and software platform helps the industry to simplify the process of energy assessment, maximize asset performance, and forecast long and short-term production and returns.
Solargis data have helped develop several assets worldwide and are used for monitoring and forecasting of solar power plants.

About Shift Energy Japan
Shift Energy Japan KK (SEJ) is a financier, developer and operator of solar energy.
Creating value by minimizing risks across the supply chain, SEJ manages feed-in tariff (FIT) solar power systems, finances new FIT systems and develops commercial self-consumption systems. SEJ enables the best solar companies in Japan to install solar power despite steep cuts in the FIT. SEJ’s partnerships with solar power installers focus on low-voltage solar power across Japan

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