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High-resolution meteorological data crucial as Indian demand continues to increase for Commercial & Industrial solar projects.

Noida, India, 7th September  – Solargis, the trusted reference point for solar data and software services, has provided its high-resolution, granular resource and meteorological data to SunSource Energy, a leading provider of solar-based energy and storage solutions to commercial and industrial (C&I) customers in India, supporting decarbonization across the sub-continent and South East Asia.

Through their partnership, Solargis looks to improve data accuracy by providing high-quality one and five-minute granular resource data to SunSource Energy who expect to reach 1 GW in solar installations in the next few years, while increasing deployment of new technologies such as solar plus storage and bifacial.

As India begins the significant task of decarbonizing its power sector and industrial base, 80% of Indian energy production derived from coal, oil, and biomass. With fossil fuel prices at record highs, driving down renewable energy costs is key to India’s growth concurrent with decarbonization. Affordable, technologically advanced and reliable solar projects are set to play a crucial role, with the National Institute of Solar Energy estimating over 750GW of potential solar capacity across the nation, derived from land availability and solar resource calculations.

With a focus on energy-intensive industries such as steel, pharmaceuticals, IT and textiles, SunSource Energy currently has a portfolio of 400MW+ of solar assets supplying Commercial and Industrial clients. In line with current best practices, SunSource Energy conducts extensive on-site measurements to monitor project performance across its portfolio.

Using validated satellite resource data from Solargis, SunSource can confidently verify its own GHI and meteorological data, ensuring accurate inputs during project development and objective evaluations of project performance.

Giridaran Srinivasan, CEO – Americas, Solargis, says: “The Indian solar market works at volume. With a skilled labor force and increasing demand, it is about to enter an exciting new phase of growth. We are proud to work hand in hand with SunSource Energy to support its roll out of high-quality solar resource data, ensuring that it continues to develop projects its customers can trust while helping to spearhead the effective deployment of new technology across the market.”

Of the partnership, Adarsh Das, Co-Founder and CEO, SunSource Energy notes that “Utilising data sets from Solargis has helped us improve our generation forecasting and project monitoring. Solargis has a genuine interest in maintaining the most accurate solar resource data sets, which filters through into the close support it provides us.”

“Solargis’ global offering and wide industry reach means it can advise us on the latest best practices for data, and we have confidence in the expertise and drive of the team, ensuring that our customers benefit from optimized, reliable projects.”


About Solargis

Solargis is a data and software architect for bankable solar investments.

Solargis works with solar stakeholders throughout the lifetime of their projects and portfolios, reducing risk and creating transparency with the most accurate and reliable solar data on the market.

Solargis data and solar energy software platform helps the industry to simplify the process of energy assessment, maximize asset performance, and create  long- and short-term solar performance forecast.

Solargis data have helped develop several assets worldwide and are used for monitoring and forecasting of solar power plants.


About SunSource Energy

SunSource Energy is a leading provider of solar-based energy and storage solutions to commercial and industrial (C&I) customers and manages the entire lifecycle of distributed solar projects. Headquartered in Delhi NCR, the company has a portfolio of over 400 MW* of solar power projects across 24 states in India and Southeast Asia. SHV Energy - a Dutch multinational, holds a majority stake in SunSource Energy.

*Includes projects, deployed, contracted and under-development

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