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Dátum publikovania
Scientific paper
Generation of synthetic daily global solar radiation data based on ERA-Interim reanalysis and artificial neural networks
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, A. Linares-Rodríguez, D. Pozo-Vázquez, 2011, Energy, Vol. 36(8), pp. 5356 – 5365
Scientific paper
The Impact of the NAO on the Solar and Wind Energy Resources in the Mediterranean Area
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, 2011, In: Hydrological Socioeconomic and Ecological Impacts of the North Atlantic Oscillation in the Mediterranean Region, Advances in Global Change Research Volume 46, pp 213 – 231 Springer
MACC aerosols in solar radiation modeling for energy applications
T. Cebecauer, 2011, MACC Conference on Monitoring and Forecasting Atmospheric Composition, May 2011, Utrecht, Netherlands
User Perspectives on Project Feasibility Data
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2011, Solar Resources and Forecasting Workshop, NREL, June 2011, Golden, Colorado, USA
Advances and challenges in operational satellite-based solar modelling
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2011, Solar Resources and Forecasting Workshop, NREL, June 2011, Golden, Colorado, USA
Scientific paper
A power-rating model for crystalline silicon PV modules
A. Skoczek, T. Huld, G. Friesen, R. P. Kenny, T. Sample, M. Field, E. D. Dunlop, 2011, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 95, 12, 3359-3369
Scientific paper
Solar Atlas for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, P. Blanc, C. Hoyer-Klick, L. Wald, L. Menard, E. Wey, T. Huld, H. Allal, A. Bida, M. Mahmoud, L. Lorych, D. Puig, M. Caner, M. Schroedter-Homscheidt, C. Schillings, T. Wanderer, 2011, Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2011, Kassel, Germany
Scientific paper
Comparing Performance of Solargis And SUNY Satellite Models Using Monthly And Daily Aerosol Data
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, R. Perez, 2011, Proceedings of the ISES Solar World Congress 2011, Kassel, Germany
Scientific paper
Analysis of PV Power Generation in the Czech Electricity Transmission System CEPS
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, J. Fantík, 2011, 26th European Photovoltaics Solar Energy Conference, September 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Scientific paper
The Effect of Solar Radiation Data Types on Calculation of Tilted And Suntracking Solar Radiation
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, 2011, 26th European Photovoltaics Solar Energy Conference, September 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Scientific paper
Energy Yield Prediction of Amorphous Silicon PV Modules Using Full Time Data Series of Irradiance And Temperature for Different Geographical Locations
T. Cebecauer, A. Virtuani, A. Skoczek, D. Chianese, 2011, 26th European Photovoltaics Solar Energy Conference, September 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Scientific paper
Solargis: Solar Data And Online Applications For PV Planning And Performance Assessment
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, 2011, 26th European Photovoltaics Solar Energy Conference, September 2011, Hamburg, Germany
Scientific paper
Requirements And Standards for Bankable DNI Data Products in CSP Projects
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2011, Proceedings of the SolarPACES Conference, September 2011, Granada, Spain
Scientific paper
Uncertainty Sources in Satellite-Derived Direct Normal Irradiance: How Can Prediction Accuracy Be Improved Globally?
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, C. A. Guyemard, 2011, Proceedings of the SolarPACES Conference, September 2011, Granada, Spain
GMES atmosphere monitoring services for solar energy applications: experience from Solargis database
T. Cebecauer, 2011, Lecture. GMES User Forum preparatory workshop on GMES Atmosphere monitoring services, 27 October 2011, Brussels, Belgium
Bankable solar resource assessment and risk management in planning and operation of Solar Energy Projects
M. Šúri, 2011, Lecture at Workshop for Solar Energy and Smart Grid Development, Asian Development Bank, Regional Task Force. September 2011, Jodhpur, India
Scientific paper
A parameterization of the aerosol extinction in the Weather Research and Forecasting model
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, A. Molina, 2010, Libro de Actas del IV Reunión Espańola de Ciencia y Tecnología del Aerosol, 28 – 30 Junio 2010, Granada, Espańa
Scientific paper
Proposal of a regressive model for the hourly diffuse solar radiation under all sky conditions
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, H. Alsamamra, D. Pozo-Vázquez., 2010, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 51(5), pp. 881 – 893
Scientific paper
Solargis: New Web-Based Service Offering Solar Radiation Data and PV Simulation Tools for Europe, North Africa and Middle East
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2010, Conference EUROSUN 2010, October 2010, Graz, Austria
Scientific paper
Accuracy Improvements of Satellite-Derived Solar Resource Based on Gems Re-analysis Aerosols
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2010, Conference SolarPACES 2010, September 2010, Perpignan, France