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Dátum publikovania
Scientific paper
Geographic Aspects of Photovoltaics in Europe: Contribution of the PVGIS Web Site
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, 2008, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1, 1, 34-41
Scientific paper
First Steps in the Cross-Comparison of Solar Resource Spatial Products in Europe
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, P. Blanc, J. Remund, L. Wald, T. Huld, D. Dumortier, 2008, Proceeding of the EUROSUN 2008, Lisbon, Portugal
Scientific paper
Applicability of the bilinear I-V curve translation method for indoor characterization of thin film devices
A. Skoczek, E. D. Dunlop, M. Nikoaeva-Dimiotrova, 2007, Proceedings of Workshop on Numerical Modelling of Thin Film Solar Cells, Gent Belgium, March 2007
Scientific paper
Electrical Performance Results from Long-Term Outdoor Weathered Modules
A. Skoczek, T. Sample, E. D. Dunlop, H. A. Ossenbrink, 2007, Proceedings of the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milano, Italy 3-7 September 2007
Scientific paper
Open Source Solar Radiation Tools for Environmental and Renewable Energy Applications
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, T. Huld, J. Hofierka, 2007, International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, Prague
Scientific paper
Uncertainties in photovoltaic electricity yield prediction from fluctuation of solar radiation
M. Šúri, L. Wald, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, M. Albuisson, M. Lef?vre, 2007, Proceedings of the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milano, Italy 3-7.9.2007, pp. 3547-3552
Scientific paper
Using high-resolution digital elevation model for improved pv yield estimates
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, T. Huld, 2007, Proceedings of the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Milano, Italy 3-7.9.2007, pp. 3553-3557
Scientific paper
Potential of solar electricity generation in the European Union member states and candidate countries
M. Šúri, T. A. Huld, H. A. Dunlop E.D. Ossenbrink, 2007, Solar Energy, 81, 1295-1305
Scientific paper
Solar resource modelling for energy applications
M. Šúri, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, J. Hofierka, 2007, In: Peckham R.J., Jordan G. (eds.) Digital Terrain Modelling, Development and Applications in a Policy Support Environment, Series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Springer, pp. 259-273, ISBN 3-540-36730-6
Scientific paper
Solar resource data and tools for an assessment of photovoltaic systems
M. Šúri, 2007, In Jäger-Waldau A. (editor), Status Report 2006, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp. 96-102
Scientific paper
On the use of the digital elevation model to estimate the solar radiation in areas of complex topography
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, J. Pozo-Vázquez, J. Batlles, G. López, J. L. Bosch, 2006, Meteorological Applications, Vol. 13(3), pp. 279 – 287
Scientific paper
Data Analysis of Electrical Performance Measurements from 15 Years of Module Qualification Tests
A. Skoczek, T. Sample, E. D. Dunlop, H. A. Ossenbrink, 2006, Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Conference Record of the 2006 IEEE 4th World Conference, Waikoloa, Hawaii, Volume 2, Issue, May 2006, Pages 2042 – 2045
Scientific paper
Repeatability and consistency of electrical performance results from physical stress test of PV modules
A. Skoczek, T. Sample, E. D. Dunlop, H. A. Ossenbrink, 2006, Proceedings of the 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Dresden, Germany, 4-8 October 2006
Scientific paper
Slnecná elektrina a perspektívy jej výroby na Slovensku
M. Šúri, 2006, Životné prostredie, 40, 3, 127-132
Scientific paper
Management of solar electricity systems in distributed energy generation network
M. Šúri, E. D. Dunlop, 2006, Proceedings of the workshop, 26-27.5.2005, JRC Ispra, Italy
Scientific paper
Challenges to realise 1% electricity from photovoltaic solar systems in the European Union by 2020
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, A. Jäger-Waldau, H. Ossenbrink, 2006, 4th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, 7-12.5.2006, Waikoloa HI, USA
Scientific paper
Towards designing an integrated Earth Observation system for the provision of solar energy resource and assessment
M. Šúri, R. Meyer, D. Renne, R. Perez, L. Wald, Jr. Stackhouse P.W., 2006, 2006 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium & 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 31.7-4.8.2006, Denver CO, USA, pp. 3517-3520
Scientific paper
A GIS-Based System for Performance Assessment of Solar Energy Systems over Large Geographical Regions
M. Šúri, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, 2006, Solar 2006 Conference: Renewable Energy, key to climate recovery, 7-13 July 2006, Denver CO, USA
Scientific paper
Estimating average daytime and daily temperature profiles within Europe
M. Šúri, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, F. Micale, 2006, Environmental Modelling & Software, 21, 12, 1650-1661
Scientific paper
Online data and tools for estimation of solar electricity in Africa: the PVGIS approach
M. Šúri, L. Wald, T. Huld, E. D. Dunlop, M. Albuisson, 2006, Proceedings of the 21st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 4-8 October 2006, Dresden, Germany