Odhadnite solárny potenciál vašej lokality
GHI | Global horizontal irradiation | kWh/m2 | Monthly and annual long-term averages of global horizontal irradiation. |
DIF | Diffuse horizontal irradiation | Monthly and annual long-term averages of diffuse horizontal irradiation. | |
DNI | Direct normal irradiation | kWh/m2 | Monthly and annual long-term averages of direct normal irradiation. |
GTI | Global tilted irradiation | kWh/m2 | Monthly and annual long-term averages of global horizontal irradiation. |
TEMP | Air temperature at 2 meters | °C / °F | Monthly and annual long-term averages of air temperature at 2 m above ground. |
PVOUT | PV cSi yield | kWh | Monthly and yearly average values of photovoltaic electricity (AC) delivered by the total installed capacity of a PV system. |
PR | Performance ratio | % | Monthly and annual long-term averages of performance ratio. |
WS | Wind speed m/s at 10 m above ground | m/s | Monthly and annual long-term averages of wind speed at 10 m above ground. |
RH | Relative humidity at 2m above ground | % | Monthly and annual long-term averages of relative humidity at 2 m above ground. |
PWAT | Precipitable water | kg/m2 | Monthly and annual long-term averages of precipitable water. Precipitable water is the depth of water vapour in a column of the atmosphere, if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain. It indicates the amount of moisture above ground. |
PREC | Precipitation (rainfall) | mm | Monthly and annual long-term averages of precipitation. |
ALB | Surface albedo | Monthly and annual long-term averages of albedo. Fraction of solar irradiance reflected by surface. Ratio of upwelling to downwelling (GHI) radiative fluxes at the surface. |
ELE | Elevation | Elevation above sea level | |
OPTA | Optimum tilt of PV modules | ||
AZIM | Azimuth |
Time representation of various parameters depends on the input sources and models behind them. With few exceptions, it spans from the 1990s/2000s to the last year. Depending on the region, the long-term averages are calculated for a period from 1994/1999/2005/2007/2018 to 2023. Please, refer to the map above for the specific start year.
The long-term averages of the other meteorological parameters are calculated for a period 1994-2023 globally. Ground albedo data represents the long-term average for a period 2006-2015.