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Time Series a TMY dáta pre optimálny dizajn elektrárne
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Predpoveď výroby solárnej energie na až 14 dní
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Overenie pozemných dát
Overte si kvalitu solárnych a meteo meraní
Hodnotenie solárneho zdroja a meteorologických dát
Detailné hodnotenie a validácia solárneho zdroja
Prispôsobenie modelov Solargis lokalite
Kombinácia satelitných dát s lokálnymi meraniami
Kontrola kvality solárnych a meteorologických meraní
Oprava chýb v dátach z pozemných meraní
GIS dáta na mieru
Solargis GIS dáta prispôsobené pre vaše aplikácie
Posúdenie energetického výnosu z fotovoltiky
Odhadnite neistotu vstupných dát
Hodnotenie výkonu fotovoltiky
Odhad energie pre refinancovanie alebo akvizíciu
Štúdia PV variability a optimalizácie skladovania energie
Pochopte variabilitu výstupu naprieč regiónmi
Regionálna štúdia potenciálu solárnej energie
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Príručky a dokumentácia
Release notes
Príbehy klientov
Bezplatné mapy a GIS dáta
Mapy solárneho výkonu
O spoločnosti Solargis
ISO certifikáty

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17 Sep 2016
Extended geographical and temporal coverage in pvPlanner and iMaps database

Solargis pre-calculated weather database connected to the online applications iMaps and pvPlanner has been updated.

Data periods used for the calculation of the averaged values provided include now latest complete years (up to 2015) for Europe, Africa and Asia regions. In terms of geographical coverage, iMaps and pvPlanner are now available for whole territories of Russia (up to paralell 60ºN), Kazakhstan and Mongolia.

Latest versions of the algorithms for solar radiation and temperature have been also implemented.

11 Aug 2016
Full temporal coverage of daily input data for characterization of aerosols

Additional inputs from MERRA-2 (NASA) have been included for describing Atmospheric Optical Depth (AOD) in our solar radiation model.

This allows the generation of harmonized daily aerosol time series used in Solargis algorithms.

22 Jun 2016
Enhanced spatial resolution in aerosol input data

The spatial resolution of aerosol data used in Solargis algorithms has been improved. From periods since June 2016 onwards, the resolution of Atmospheric Optical Depth (AOD) input data from MACC/CAMS models is now 0.4x0.4 deg. (approx. 45x45 km at the equator).

This release represents a step ahead of previous models. For data periods from October 2015 up to June 2016, 0.75x0.75 deg. resolution is available (approx. 85x85 km at the equator); for data periods before October 2015, 1.125x1.125 deg. resolution is available (approx. 125x125 km at the equator).

27 Apr 2016
New Himawari satellite brings improvements to Solargis in Pacific region

We have released Solargis model from Himawari 8 satellite data. A new generation Himawari 8 satellite, operated by Japan Meteorological Agency from January 2016, replaces older MTSAT satellite (decommissioned in late March 2016). The satellite is positioned approximatelly on the 140.7°E longitude, covering the Pacific region (countries like Japan, eastern parts of China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia and other Pacific countries and islands).

Thanks to new generation satellite data we implemented improvements in our modelled solar resource data:

  • 10-minute time-step
  • more spectral channels employed in the identification of the clouds and snow detection
  • two times higher spatial resolution and image quality
  • short data retrieval delay allow nowcasting of solar resource and PV electricity generation

Presently, new data can be purchased as recent time-series from climData application.

10 Feb 2016
pvSpot coverage extended to Kenya and parts of Uganda and Tanzania

Solargis operational data with daily update is now available also for Kenya and parts of Uganda and Tanzania. Daily updates are available via pvSpot online app, FTP, and Web Service. 

08 Jan 2016
Solar radiation and PV forecast service extended to China, Korea, Chile, East Africa and other regions

Forecast service has been extended to new world regions. Present coverage include most of Europe, USA, Mexico, Caribbean region, Chile, Morocco, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, islands Reunion and Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, UAE, India, China, Japan, Korea. provides forecast of solar radiation parameters (GHI, GTI), PV electricty output (PVOUT) and air temperature (TEMP) for time horizon of 0 to 48 hours ahead. Data are delivered via FTP. 

28 Dec 2015
Solargis iMaps and pvPlanner now available also for Hawai and part of Alaska

We are pleased to announce geographical extension of data available via Solargis prospecting tools - iMaps and pvPlanner. The data coverage has been extended to include Hawaii and part of Alaska. We also improved the accuracy of data in North-West of Canada. Data are calculated from atmosperic data and GOES-WEST satellite data from 1999 up to present in 30-minute time-step.

30 Nov 2015
iMaps population density map updated to reference year 2010

Population displacement is one of the key factors for planning the position of power plants. Typically, for large-scale projects it is easier to purchase a land in less populated areas. On the other hand, closer position to consumers of energy means lower expenses on transmission.

We have updated maps and data of population density for the reference year 2010. Dataset Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4), Preliminary Release 2 was processed by Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University and released in 2014.

06 Oct 2015
pvSpot service is now available in more countries in Sub-Saharan Africa

Solargis historic data is now available with daily updates also for Namibia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, and parts of Mozambique, Tanzania and Democratic Republic of Congo. Daily updates are available via pvSpot online app, FTP, and Web Service.

25 Aug 2015
Online database of Australia, Pacific and East Asia has been updated, technical note released

The part of the Solargis database covered by the MTSAT satellite, serving pvPlanner and iMaps applications, has been updated. This include regions of Australia, Pacific, Southeast and East Asia. Users of Solargis have now access to the most recent data developed with enhanced Solargis model version 2.0. For all online applications, the solar model uses improved and harmonized satellite and atmospheric data inputs, which have been available before only for Solargis climData deliveries.

Read more in Technical note covering the following topics:

  • What has changed and what are the effects
  • How does the updated online database compare to the previous version
  • What is Solargis climData uncertainty in Australia, West Pacific, Southeast and East Asia
  • Why is there a difference between Solargis climData deliveries and data from iMaps/ pvPlanner
  • What is the current Solargis database coverage by satellite data