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Estimación rápida del potencial solar del emplazamiento fotovoltaico
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Series temporales y datos TMY para modelización energética
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Evaluación de la producción fotovoltaica en tiempo real
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Previsión de la producción de energía solar para hasta 14 días
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Gestión de datos solares simplificada y unificada
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Casos de uso
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Encuentre la ubicación adecuada para su proyecto solar
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Rendimiento real de plantas de generación eléctrica
Conozca la verdadera producción eléctrica
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Predicción de generación
Obtenga predicciones de la producción de energía del proyecto solar
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Verifique la calidad de las mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Evaluación de recursos solares y meteorología
Validación y evaluación detallada del recurso solar
Adaptación al sitio de modelos Solargis
Combinación de datos de satélite con mediciones de tierra
Control de calidad de mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Corrección de errores en los datos medidos en tierra
Datos GIS personalizados
Datos GIS de Solargis personalizados para sus aplicaciones
Evaluación de la producción de energía fotovoltaica
Estimación de incertidumbres de energía y datos de entrada relacionados
Evaluación del rendimiento fotovoltaico
Estimación de energía para refinanciación o adquisición de activos
Estudio de variabilidad fotovoltaica y optimización de almacenamiento
Comprensión de la variabilidad de la producción en amplias regiones geográficas
Estudio del potencial regional de energía solar
Identificación de ubicaciones para plantas de energía solar
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Mapas y datos GIS gratuitos
Mapas de rendimiento solar
Acerca de Solargis
Certificación ISO

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06 Sep 2023
Solargis Analyst version 1.4.4


  • Application start is now faster
  • Quality control in solar radiation
    • The added option to copy flags from GHI and RHI to ALB.
    • When TRC QS status is missing, it is now possible to run automatic quality control. Be aware that automatic quality control assumes that data do not have any significant time shifts and are in UTC-0 time zone
  • The Demo project can be opened directly from the main menu under the Project section.
  • Added ground cover ratio into GTI configuration in the metadata editor.
  • PDF report
    • Added GTI configuration table.
    • Added Meteo data statistics and heat maps.
    • Improved quality control summary messages, new messages have more information about which automatic tests were running on a dataset.
    • The summary field supports line breaks, so text can be formatted into multiple lines for better readability.
    • Added inactive quality control status icons, to better see all existing quality control statuses.
    • Improved data availability graph, which also shows smaller gaps between data.
  • Generated XLSX file: QA short results sheet calculates statistics from all existing flags.
  • In TRC
    • graphs data point transparency is calculated based on a number of data points, for better graph readability when visualizing a large amount of data.
    • Removed dataset dropdown. TRC always opens the selected dataset on the main screen.
  • Post filtering
    • Added quality control status.
    • Moved to the last position in the main menu, to follow user workflow.
  • Unit conversion
    • Added conversion between J/m2 or J/cm2 to W/m2 or Wh/m2.
  • CSV export with full header was extended with GTI configuration.
  • Multiple small usability improvements and various bug fixes.
27 Jun 2023
Solargis Prospect update

Solargis Prospect update: data for Scandinavia, model improvements, new precipitation data source.

13 Jun 2023
Prospect 2022 data update

Now data in Prospect is updated including the year 2022.

13 Jun 2023
Prospect coverage extention

Prospect is extended for the Scandinavia region up to 65°N.

01 Jun 2023
Solargis Analyst version 1.4.3


  • Support of GTI measurements with tracker mountings:
    • Time reference check (TRC)
    • Physical limits tests
    • Visualizations for GTI (clear-sky lines in time series plots, kt-graphs in TRC dialogue and Interactive QC Advanced dialogue)
  • Extended GTI configuration in metadata to specify tracker mountings systems
  • Extended definition of test groups for automatic quality control in solar radiation
  • Added dataset validation and automatic correction of invalid GTI configuration and test groups in main window
  • New content in PDF reports:
    • Quality control summary table
    • Test groups table
    • Consistency plots
  • New Demo dataset with GTI measurements


  • Optimization of PDF report processing
  • Improved usability while importing flags from other dataset (part of Interactive QC and Interactive QC Advanced)


  • Various bug fixes
17 Apr 2023
Nowcast in GOES region: faster and more frequent updates

We have improved the frequency of our service for sites in GOES satellite regions (Americas and Pacific), delivering new data predictions every 10 minutes. Before, we were only delivering updates every 30 minutes. With the new data infrastructure, we were also able to significantly shorten the delay and the forecast service is now faster.

17 Apr 2023
Nowcasts now available for South America and Pacific islands

We have extended our nowcast model in the GOES satellite region and from now users of Solargis Forecast service can receive updates for any site in North and South America and Pacific islands. A new nowcasting algorithm was used for these regions which, among other upgrades, improves cloud motion extrapolation and provides nowcasts with reduced uncertainty.

17 Apr 2023
Data model improvements in GOES region

After several model improvements across our data calculator chain, the accuracy of historical time series for the GOES region (covering Americas and Pacific islands) has been improved. The main changes are:

  • Use of the highest granularity data available as an input from satellite instruments (up to 10-minute frequency) from year 2019 onwards
  • Use of advanced preprocessing algorithms, removing spatial noise and achieving smoother pixel transitions
  • Additional terrain corrections, related to better positional accuracy, especially in mountainous regions and high satellite viewing angles
  • Improvements in cloud/snow discrimination and cloud index post-processing
    More accurate calculations of sun position
  • Inclusion of solar irradiance changes due to solar eclipse events.

Due to this series of improvements, small variations in data values are expected under this new model, in comparison to the Solargis older models used in climData deliveries. Updated bias and RMSD statistics are published in our interactive maps here.

14 Feb 2023
Prospect version 1.14.0 - Change owner of projects

Possibility to change the owner of Prospect projects. Now each Prospect user can transfer his projects to his colleagues within the same Customer account (Company).

26 Jan 2023
Analyst version 1.4.2
  • GTI automatic quality control with fixed mounting in Solar Radiation.
  • Visualizations for GTI (clear-sky lines in time series plots, kt-graphs in Time Reference and Interactive QC Advanced)
  • Polygon selector in Interactive QC and Interactive QC Advanced (in heatmaps only)
  • Custom user text for Quality assessment summary
  • Added option for saving graphs as PNG file
  • Selection of columns to export in Export CSV