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New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->
Today, we launched Solargis Evaluate 2.0, the next generation of our Evaluate solution. The new Evaluate is a more advanced, cloud-based platform for complete PV project design and evaluation, equipping project developers and industry experts with all the tools needed to tackle the growing complexity of modern solar projects.
At Solargis, we conducted our yearly analysis of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) and evaluated the difference for 2024 from the long-term average (LTA).
This innovative Solargis Monthly Report enables portfolio managers and PV site operators to optimize operations and deliver clear insights to board members, senior management teams and C-suite decision makers about the performance of their PV projects.
All Solar industry players need to simulate their power plant designs and financial plans at some point. To do so against summarized conditions given by data products like Typical Meteorological Years has been common until recently. However, running energy simulations using more realistic conditions described by Multi-Year Time Series of data is recommended to reduce project risk and evaluate all scenarios.
Solar irradiance modeling involves computing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface. During eclipses, the moon obstructs solar radiation, leading to a temporary reduction in irradiance.
In this article, we are sharing how Solargis has improved the accuracy of air temperature datasets we provide along with other parameters affecting solar energy power simulations.
Solargis has analyzed the annual performance of solar irradiance for 2023, revealing the trends and variations of solar irradiance across the globe.
New analysis by Solargis reveals that the variance between modeled solar irradiance and actual measurements is more pronounced in tropical regions than in temperate and subtropical zones.
Extreme cold conditions can lead to increased voltages in photovoltaic (PV) modules, potentially causing system overload. Learn about the critical importance of understanding the lowest expected operating temperature parameter (or TLEO in Solargis language) for optimal PV array sizing.
Depending on the source and desired application, solar data can have distinctive temporal resolutions, such as sub-hourly (1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 30-minute) or hourly intervals. But how are you supposed to know the difference, and why should you care?
One of the key challenges for solar project financiers is to assess the expected energy production and revenue of a project over its lifetime, considering the uncertainties and fluctuations of the solar resource.
To design optimal PV projects, designers must consult 1-minute data which paint the most accurate picture of a plants’ PV power potential and output, while providing increased financial certainty to solar investors.
The study summarizes the results of comparing the data provided by various institutional or commercial providers of solar irradiance models against ground measurements collected at 129 sites distributed globally. It helps solar developers navigate through all the available databases.