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Estimación rápida del potencial solar del emplazamiento fotovoltaico
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Datos, diseño y simulación fotovoltaica en una sola solución
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Evaluación de la producción fotovoltaica en tiempo real
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Previsión de la producción de energía solar para hasta 14 días
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Gestión de datos solares simplificada y unificada
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Casos de uso
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Selección de emplazamientos
Encuentre la ubicación adecuada para su proyecto solar
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Simulación de la producción de energía
Analice los beneficios y riesgos potenciales
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Optimización del diseño de plantas de generación eléctrica
Encuentre el diseño óptimo de la central eléctrica
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Rendimiento real de plantas de generación eléctrica
Conozca la verdadera producción eléctrica
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Predicción de generación
Obtenga predicciones de la producción de energía del proyecto solar
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Verificación de datos de tierra
Verifique la calidad de las mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Evaluación de recursos solares y meteorología
Validación y evaluación detallada del recurso solar
Adaptación al sitio de modelos Solargis
Combinación de datos de satélite con mediciones de tierra
Control de calidad de mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Corrección de errores en los datos medidos en tierra
Datos GIS personalizados
Datos GIS de Solargis personalizados para sus aplicaciones
Evaluación de la producción de energía fotovoltaica
Estimación de incertidumbres de energía y datos de entrada relacionados
Evaluación del rendimiento fotovoltaico
Estimación de energía para refinanciación o adquisición de activos
Estudio de variabilidad fotovoltaica y optimización de almacenamiento
Comprensión de la variabilidad de la producción en amplias regiones geográficas
Estudio del potencial regional de energía solar
Identificación de ubicaciones para plantas de energía solar
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Certificación ISO

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New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->

Are you still juggling multiple applications for PV evaluation? You don't have to
Best practices

Are you still juggling multiple applications for PV evaluation? You don't have to

Managing multiple applications for different stages of PV project evaluation is both costly and inefficient. While most of the developers have long accepted this as the norm, the solar industry needs a comprehensive solution that brings all functionalities together in one solution.

From Time Series to TMY: When to use each?
Best practices

From Time Series to TMY: When to use each?

All Solar industry players need to simulate their power plant designs and financial plans at some point. To do so against summarized conditions given by data products like Typical Meteorological Years has been common until recently. However, running energy simulations using more realistic conditions described by Multi-Year Time Series of data is recommended to reduce project risk and evaluate all scenarios.

How to spot solar Eclipse events in solar energy datasets
Best practices

How to spot solar Eclipse events in solar energy datasets

Solar irradiance modeling involves computing the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth's surface. During eclipses, the moon obstructs solar radiation, leading to a temporary reduction in irradiance.

The pros and cons of 1-minute, 15-minute, and 60-minute solar data
Best practices

The pros and cons of 1-minute, 15-minute, and 60-minute solar data

Depending on the source and desired application, solar data can have distinctive temporal resolutions, such as sub-hourly (1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 30-minute) or hourly intervals. But how are you supposed to know the difference, and why should you care?

Why is 1-min data essential for solar project financiers?
Best practices

Why is 1-min data essential for solar project financiers?

One of the key challenges for solar project financiers is to assess the expected energy production and revenue of a project over its lifetime, considering the uncertainties and fluctuations of the solar resource.

4 reasons why PV project designers need 1-minute data
Best practices

4 reasons why PV project designers need 1-minute data

To design optimal PV projects, designers must consult 1-minute data which paint the most accurate picture of a plants’ PV power potential and output, while providing increased financial certainty to solar investors.

Solargis’ approach to 1-minute data
Best practices

Solargis’ approach to 1-minute data

An increasing number of solar PV plant developers, operators and owners require high frequency data (1-min) to make qualitative improvements throughout the entire lifecycle of a solar project.

Texas Storm Uri highlights importance of Time Series data in solar project design
Best practices

Texas Storm Uri highlights importance of Time Series data in solar project design

Two years ago, Storm Uri unleashed a deep freeze over Texas, causing widespread power outages that affected more than 4.5 million people. The drastic changes in temperature during the storm not only reduced natural gas production and froze wind turbines across the State, but also had widespread impacts on solar plants.

Managing Complexity: 5 benefits of high-frequency data for solar + storage projects
Best practices

Managing Complexity: 5 benefits of high-frequency data for solar + storage projects

Storing and dispatching power at the optimal time requires an extremely granular understanding of how much power a project is generating both now and in the immediate future. Developers, operators, and owners increasingly require high-frequency (1-minute) weather and solar irradiance data that enables them to make quick, accurate and financially effective decisions.

Growing Pain #4: Effective integration – Managing grid and storage requirements
Best practices

Growing Pain #4: Effective integration – Managing grid and storage requirements

As solar projects grow in size and number, the challenges of integrating them successfully into national grids increase as well. The intermittency of solar energy requires careful management, and solar developers that under- or over-produce face curtailment and penalties from grid operators.

Spain’s shady spring highlights the need for an interconnected European grid
Best practices

Spain’s shady spring highlights the need for an interconnected European grid

March 2022 saw Spain suffer its biggest solar irradiance decline in 28 years. By contrast, Germany and the Balkans saw 45% higher levels of solar irradiance. These anomalies highlight need to invest in effective interconnections and forecasting to support European energy independence.

Growing Pain #3: On-site measurements in large-scale solar
Best practices

Growing Pain #3: On-site measurements in large-scale solar

Designing and operating a large-scale solar project without fully understanding its potential output inevitably increases risks throughout its lifecycle. One part of the solution for developers is validated solar resource data calculated through satellite-based models, helping produce accurate energy yield calculations.