New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->
Solargis Prospect provides access to solar, meteorological, and environmental data for sites all around the world. It helps you calculate solar yield estimates and potential gains and losses during the pre-feasibility phase of your PV project.
With Solargis Prospect, you don't need to be present at the site nor rely on local third parties during the pre-feasibility stages.
Get the real look & feel of your potential site with meteo, solar, and environmental parameters – visualized on more than 25 map layers.
Feel comfortable when deciding which site to evaluate in more depth. Solargis Prospect allows you to compare multiple sites and pick the one with the highest potential yield.
The solution also offers fast screening of various PV configurations and technologies.
Don't make compromises. Start as you mean to go on, from the very first decisions in the prospecting phase, using accurate and validated data that are compatible with later project stages.
Validated by independent studies, Solargis Prospect delivers the most accurate long-term average (LTA) data on the market, with the longest recorded history.
Key parameters include solar irradiation, precipitation, air temperature, wind speed, air pollution, albedo, snow, and others.
Download sample data or a report from a specific site. You can also check technical documentation or learn about the technology behind this solution.
Projects supported by our bankable solar & meteo data, software, and services every year
Years of experience with solar projects and improving industry standards
Coverage of the world’s population with 30 years of solar and meteorological data
Assess a large number of locations in a matter of seconds in the prospect and feasibility phase of photovoltaic projects.
Get access to solar and meteorological long term averages data worldwide and process data in your prospection and planning software in real time.
Explore solar, meteorological, and PV potential GIS data in your own applications.
You can use solar resource, PV, climate, and other geo data for analysis and visualization in all generally available GIS software (GeoTIFF, NetCDF, and others) with raster data processing capabilities or numerical implementation.
In the Regional Solar Energy Potential Study, we analyze not only solar resource information but also meteorological and geographic data.
The analysis considers the uncertainty of resource estimates, intermittent and seasonal variability, extreme weather, and geographic limitations on the deployment of solar power plants.