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Publication date
Scientific paper
Evaluation of the WRF model solar irradiance forecasts in Andalusia (southern Spain)
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, 2012,
Scientific paper
Improvement of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model for solar resource assessments and forecasts under clear skies
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, C. Gueymard, D. Pozo-Vázquez, J. Dudhia, 2012, American Solar Energy Society Annual Conference, World Renewable Energy Forum, WREF 2012, Including World Renewable Energy Congress XII and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Annual Conference, Denver, USA
Scientific paper
Evaluation of DNI forecast based on the WRF mesoscale atmospheric model for CPV applications
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, C. A. Gueymard, D. Pozo-Vázquez, V. Lara-Fanego, 2012, CPV-8 Conference Toledo Spain
Scientific paper
Analysis of spatio-temporal balancing between wind and solar energy resources in the southern Iberian Peninsula
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, J. Tovar- Pescador, 2012, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 51, pp. 2005 – 2024
Scientific paper
Evaluation of DNI forecast based on the WRF mesoscale atmospheric model for CPV applications
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, C. A. Gueymard, D. Pozo-Vázquez, V. Lara-Fanego, 2012, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1477, pp. 377 – 322
Quantifying the True Resource Potential of Solar-Rich South Africa
H. Goenka, 2012,  InterPV journal, 06/2012, pp. 62-65
Solar resource mapping in Africa
M. Šúri, 2012, PV Magazine, 12/2012, pp. 80-82
Solargis: plánovanie, monitorovanie a predpovedania výroby zo slnecných elektrární (Solargis: planning, performance assessment and forecasting of electricity production from PV systems)
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2012, Seminar: Photovoltaics in Slovakia in 2013, Bratislava, October 2012
Assessing potential for solar energy technologies
M. Šúri, 2012, Workshop on Smart Grid Development and Regional Task Force Annual Meeting. Asian Development Bank, Regional Task Force, 8-9 March 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
Bankable Performance Assessment of PV Projects Using Satellite-based Solar Data
M. Šúri, 2012, 3rd Annual Conference PV Power Plants - EU 2012, Vienna, Austria, 29-30 March 2012
Satellite based solutions for PV performance monitoring
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2012, EU-PVSEC Exhibition Forum, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012
Scientific paper
High performance remote sensing database
J. Kianička, 2012, Proceedings of the GIS Ostrava 2012, 23-25 January 2012, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Scientific paper
Evaluation of the performance of facade mounted photovoltaic modules. Do we need a sensor when we have satellite derived irradiance?
T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, D. Moser, M. Nikolaeva-Dimitrova M., 2012, Proceedings of the EU-PVSEC Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012
Scientific paper
Solar electricity production from fixed-inclined and sun-tracking c-Si photovoltaic modules in South Africa
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, J. Beták, 2012, 1st Southern African Solar Energy Conference (SASEC 2012), Stellenbosch, South Africa, 21-23 May 2012
Solargis: Online Access to High-Resolution Global Database of Direct Normal Irradiance
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2012, Proceedings of the SolarPACES Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2012
Correction of Satellite-Derived DNI Time Series Using Locally-Resolved Aerosol Data
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2012, Proceedings of the SolarPACES Conference, Marrakech, Morocco, September 2012
Scientific paper
Solar resource and photovoltaic electricity potential in the EU-MENA Region
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, J. Beták, 2012, Proceedings of the EU-PVSEC Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, September 2012
Scientific paper
The renewables potential for electricity production in the province of Jaén southern Spain
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, J. Terrados, G. Almonacid, L. Hontoria, P. J. Pérez, F. J. Gallego, P. Gómez, E. Castro, A. Martín-Mesa, M. J. del Jesús, 2011, Conference Proceedings of the World Renewable Energy Congress 2011, pp. 3452 – 3459, 8 – 13 May, Linköping Sweden
Scientific paper
A high-resolution topographic correction method for clear-sky solar irradiance derived with a numerical weather prediction model
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, 2011, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 50, pp. 2460 – 2472
Scientific paper
A topographic geostatistical approach for mapping monthly mean values of daily global solar radiation
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, 2011, A topographic geostatistical approach for mapping monthly mean values of daily global solar radiation