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Juraj Beták

Posts by Juraj Beták

Solar irradiation difference map of 2024: Another year of extremes
Solargis news

Solar irradiation difference map of 2024: Another year of extremes

At Solargis, we conducted our yearly analysis of global horizontal irradiation (GHI) and evaluated the difference for 2024 from the long-term average (LTA).

Solargis' Monthly Reports: A new tool for PV performance reporting and assessment
Solargis news

Solargis' Monthly Reports: A new tool for PV performance reporting and assessment

This innovative Solargis Monthly Report enables portfolio managers and PV site operators to optimize operations and deliver clear insights to board members, senior management teams and C-suite decision makers about the performance of their PV projects.

Unique collection of the continental solar resource poster maps
Solargis news

Unique collection of the continental solar resource poster maps

Recently, we have enlarged the collection of solar resource maps with the maps at continental scales, covering Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.

Update of Prospect database to v1.1
Product updates

Update of Prospect database to v1.1

The underlying database in the Solargis Prospect has been completely updated (previously version 0.98, now version 1.1). The period for statistics calculation was extended with two recent years for all solar resource and relevant meteorological parameters. Previously, data were calculated for the period up to 2018. The updated data represents the period up to 2020.

Sentinel-2 satellite maps: because we value up-to-date information
Best practices

Sentinel-2 satellite maps: because we value up-to-date information

Satellite maps are a basic tool for decision makers, planners and developers of photovoltaic (PV) power plants. They are essential for site-selection, land evaluation and understanding the local topography. They play an indispensable role, especially for the evaluation of sites in unknown territories and in peculiar climate zones.

About the author

Juraj Beták
Juraj BetákGeodata Specialist
Juraj specializes in geo-data and climate analysis. With a passion for cartography, he enjoys creating visually appealing and informative maps. His background in geography and environmental sciences motivates his commitment to understanding and communicating complex spatial data.