Oct 29, 2020
Branislav Schnierer, PV Modeling Expert at Solargis, discusses the most common problems and best practices for taking and quality-controlling ground measurements. Webinar was recorded for PVPMC 2020 event in China.
Download presentation slides from here.
It is widely accepted that high-standard pyranometers operated under rigorously controlled conditions are to be used for bankable performance assessment of photovoltaic (PV) power systems.
Just as there are horses for courses, different forecasting techniques are more suitable depending on the intended forecast lead time.
To assess the solar resource or energy yield potential of a site, we model the solar resource/energy yield using best available information and methods. The resulting estimate is the P50 estimate, or in other words, the “best estimate”. P50 is essentially a statistical level of confidence suggesting that we expect to exceed the predicted solar resource/energy yield 50% of the time. However, ...