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Data, design & PV simulation in one solution
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Real-time PV output assessment
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Solar power output forecast for up to 14 days
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Use cases
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Site selection
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Energy yield simulation
Analyze potential gains and risks
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Optimizing power plant design
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Real power plant performance
Discover the true output
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Power output forecast
Predict solar project energy output
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Ground data verification
Verify quality of solar & meteo measurements
Solar Resource & Meteo Assessment
Detailed solar resource validation and assessment
Site Adaptation of Solargis Models
Combining satellite data with on-site measurements
Quality Control of Solar & Meteo Measurements
Correction of errors in ground-measured data
Customized GIS Data
Customized Solargis GIS data for your applications
PV Energy Yield Assessment
Estimated energy uncertainties and related data inputs
PV Performance Assessment
Energy estimate for refinancing or asset acquisition
PV Variability & Storage Optimization Study
Understand output variability across wide geo regions
Regional Solar Energy Potential Study
Identification of locations for solar power plants
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New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->

Data accessibility

XML format via REST API

CSV format via SFTP or email

More information about Solargis Forecast API service

Data parameters

PVOUT PV output kW  
GHI Global horizontal irradiation W/m2  
DNI Direct normal irradiation W/m2  
GTI Global tilted irradiation W/m2  
TEMP Air temperature at 2 meters °C / °F  
WS Wind speed m/s at 10 m above ground m/s  
WD Wind direction m/s at 10 m above ground °  
WG Wind gusts at 10 m above ground m/s  
RH Relative humidity at 2m above ground %  
AP Atmospheric pressure hPa  
PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2 Precipitable water is the depth of water vapour in a column of the atmosphere, if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain. It indicates the amount of moisture above ground.
PREC Precipitation rate (rainfall) kg/m2/h
SDWE Snow depth water equivalent kg/m2  
SE Sun altitude angle °  
SA Sun azimuth angle °  

Forecast range and frequency

Time range

Up to 14 days ahead

Frequency of the updates Forecasts based on

2 to 4 times per day

Numerical Weather Prediction models

every 5, 10, or 15 minutes

Cloud Motion Vector model

In other words, a revised forecast is available every 5/10/15 minutes for next hours, and a revised forecast for next day is typically available every 6-12 hours

Geographical and temporal coverage

Solargis FORECAST NOWCAST NWP data coverage map v202501