Quick estimate of PV site's solar potential
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WS API request parameters (represented as XML elements and attributes) are formally described by XML Schema Definition documents (XSD).
To validate XML files we provide two endpoint variants: SOAP, REST.
Price is quoted based on number of requests and type of use.
Typically, license to access API is valid for one year. Authentication is based on API key registered with the customer.
<calculateRequest xmlns:xsi=""
<site lat="48.612590" lng="20.827079">
<!-- optional terrain data -->
<geo:terrain elevation="246" azimuth="176" tilt="3.1" />
<!-- optional horizon data -->
<geo:horizon>11.11:18.0 7.5:15.53 15.0:10.94 22.5:10.59 30.0:13.06 37.5:14.47 45.0:14.47 52.5:13.76 60.0:12.35 67.5:11.29 75.0:8.12 82.5:4.59 90.0:1.41 97.5:0.35 105.0:0.35 112.5:0.35 120.0:0.35 127.5:0.35 135.0:0.0 142.5:0.0 150.0:0.35 157.5:1.41 165.0:2.47 172.5:2.47 180.0:2.82 187.5:3.18 195.0:2.82 202.5:2.47 210.0:2.47 217.5:2.47 225.0:3.18 232.5:3.18 240.0:2.47 247.5:2.12 255.0:2.12 262.5:2.82 270.0:3.88 277.5:6.71 285.0:8.47 292.5:10.24 300.0:11.29 307.5:12.71 315.0:14.12 322.5:15.53 330.0:16.24 337.5:16.94 345.0:17.29 352.5:17.29</geo:horizon>
<pv:geometry xsi:type="pv:GeometryFixedOneAngle" azimuth="175" tilt="45"/>
<pv:system installedPower="1" installationType="ROOF_MOUNTED" availability="99">
<pv:module type="CSI">
<pv:efficiency xsi:type="pv:EfficiencyConstant" percent="97.5"/>
<pv:losses dc="5.5" ac="1.5"/>
<ns3:calculateResponse xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns3="">
<ns3:site lat="48.61259" lng="20.827079">
<terrain elevation="246" tilt="3.1" azimuth="176"/>
<horizon>11.11:18.0 7.5:15.53 15.0:10.94 22.5:10.59 30.0:13.06 37.5:14.47 45.0:14.47 52.5:13.76 60.0:12.35 67.5:11.29 75.0:8.12 82.5:4.59 90.0:1.41 97.5:0.35 105.0:0.35 112.5:0.35 120.0:0.35 127.5:0.35 135.0:0.0 142.5:0.0 150.0:0.35 157.5:1.41 165.0:2.47 172.5:2.47 180.0:2.82 187.5:3.18 195.0:2.82 202.5:2.47 210.0:2.47 217.5:2.47 225.0:3.18 232.5:3.18 240.0:2.47 247.5:2.12 255.0:2.12 262.5:2.82 270.0:3.88 277.5:6.71 285.0:8.47 292.5:10.24 300.0:11.29 307.5:12.71 315.0:14.12 322.5:15.53 330.0:16.24 337.5:16.94 345.0:17.29 352.5:17.29</horizon>
<ns2:geometry xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:GeometryFixedOneAngle" tilt="45.0" azimuth="175"/>
<ns2:system installedPower="1.0" installationType="ROOF_MOUNTED" availability="99.0">
<ns2:module type="CSI"/>
<ns2:efficiency xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="ns2:EfficiencyConstant" percent="97.5"/>
<ns2:losses dc="5.5" ac="1.5"/>
<ns3:Ghm monthly="31.9 50.2 97.6 126.8 158.7 169.3 166.4 153.5 103.2 66.7 34.0 24.0" yearly="1182.3"/>
<ns3:Ghd monthly="1.03 1.79 3.15 4.23 5.12 5.64 5.37 4.95 3.44 2.15 1.13 0.77" yearly="3.24"/>
<ns3:Dhd monthly="0.57 0.92 1.47 2.05 2.50 2.76 2.65 2.26 1.67 1.10 0.66 0.46" yearly="1.59"/>
<ns3:Td monthly="-1.9 0.2 4.5 10.4 15.1 19.0 20.6 20.1 14.9 9.5 4.4 -0.6" yearly="9.7"/>
<ns3:Tmin monthly="-3.6 -2.3 0.8 5.5 10.1 13.8 15.3 14.8 10.6 6.1 2.5 -1.9"/>
<ns3:Tmax monthly="0.6 3.5 8.6 15.0 19.7 23.5 25.3 25.3 19.8 14.0 7.4 1.5"/>
<ns3:invar monthly="-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0" yearly="-1.0"/>
<ns3:Rh monthly="83.0 77.0 67.0 61.0 64.0 64.0 64.0 65.0 72.0 78.0 85.0 85.0" yearly="72.0"/>
<ns3:Pwat monthly="81.0 84.0 90.0 123.0 175.0 229.0 258.0 253.0 197.0 155.0 123.0 92.0" yearly="155.0"/>
<ns3:Dnim monthly="51.6 66.6 107.3 110.0 124.8 129.0 127.0 135.2 99.7 79.5 45.3 38.1" yearly="1114.2"/>
<ns3:Dnid monthly="1.66 2.38 3.46 3.67 4.03 4.30 4.10 4.36 3.32 2.57 1.51 1.23" yearly="3.05"/>
<ns3:Alb monthly="0.22 0.21 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.16" yearly="0.17"/>
<ns3:Ws monthly="2.1 2.3 2.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.1 2.0 2.2 2.1 2.0 2.0" yearly="2.2"/>
<ns3:Prec monthly="38.9 42.9 45.7 72.9 104.3 103.2 123.0 97.0 72.8 58.8 53.5 44.3" yearly="857.2"/>
<ns3:Gim monthly="64.0 84.0 132.9 142.5 156.3 158.2 159.9 165.4 129.3 102.0 61.0 48.9" yearly="1404.4"/>
<ns3:Gid monthly="2.06 3.00 4.29 4.76 5.04 5.27 5.16 5.34 4.31 3.28 2.02 1.58" yearly="3.85"/>
<ns3:Did monthly="0.69 1.05 1.58 2.04 2.34 2.53 2.46 2.24 1.74 1.23 0.77 0.55" yearly="1.60"/>
<ns3:Rid monthly="0.03 0.06 0.07 0.10 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.02 0.02" yearly="0.08"/>
<ns3:ShLoss monthly="0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6" yearly="0.6"/>
<ns3:horizontal yearlySum="1182.0" percentOpt="83.8"/>
<ns3:optimum yearlySum="1410.0" percentOpt="100.0"/>
<ns3:tracker2x yearlySum="1659.0" percentOpt="117.7"/>
<ns3:selected yearlySum="1404.0" percentOpt="99.6"/>
<ns3:optimum fixed="32.0"/>
<ns3:Esm monthly="58.7 74.8 113.9 117.7 126.3 125.8 126.5 131.4 106.3 87.4 54.4 45.0" yearly="1168.2"/>
<ns3:Esd monthly="1.89 2.67 3.67 3.92 4.07 4.19 4.08 4.24 3.54 2.82 1.81 1.45" yearly="3.20"/>
<ns3:Etm monthly="59.0 75.0 114.0 118.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 131.0 106.0 87.0 54.0 45.0" yearly="1168.0"/>
<ns3:Eshare monthly="5.0 6.4 9.8 10.1 10.8 10.8 10.8 11.2 9.1 7.5 4.7 3.9" yearly="100.0"/>
<ns3:PR monthly="91.2 88.5 85.2 82.1 80.3 79.0 78.6 79.0 81.7 85.2 88.7 91.6" yearly="82.7"/>
<ns3:global output="1413" PRp="100.0" PRc="100.0"/>
<ns3:terrain output="1404" lossAbs="-9" lossRel="-0.64" PRp="99.4" PRc="99.4"/>
<ns3:angular output="1363" lossAbs="-41" lossRel="-2.92" PRp="97.1" PRc="96.5"/>
<ns3:conversion output="1300" lossAbs="-63" lossRel="-4.62" PRp="95.4" PRc="92.0"/>
<ns3:dcLoss output="1229" lossAbs="-71" lossRel="-5.46" PRp="94.5" PRc="87.0"/>
<ns3:inverter output="1198" lossAbs="-31" lossRel="-2.52" PRp="97.5" PRc="84.8"/>
<ns3:acLoss output="1180" lossAbs="-18" lossRel="-1.5" PRp="98.5" PRc="83.5"/>
<ns3:availability output="1168" lossAbs="-12" lossRel="-1.02" PRp="99.0" PRc="82.7"/>
<ns3:total output="1168" lossAbs="-245" lossRel="-17.34" PRc="82.7"/>
<ns3:summary>PV system: 1.0 kWp, crystalline silicon, fixed roof, azim. 175&deg; (south), inclination 45&deg;</ns3:summary>