Solargis Prospect: Solar estimator and solar potential software

Data included

Annual average, monthly averages, and 12 x 24 profiles:

GHI Global horizontal irradiation
DIF Diffuse horizontal irradiation
DNI Direct normal irradiation
TEMP Air temperature at 2m above ground
PVOUT PV cSi yield
GTI Global tilted irradiation

 Annual and monthly averages:

WS Wind speed m/s at 10 m above ground
RH Relative humidity at 2m above ground
PWAT Precipitable water
PREC Precipitation (rainfall)
SNOWD Snow days
ALB Surface albedo
CDD Cooling degree days
HDD Heating degree days

 Additional map layers:

ELE Elevation
SLP Slope
AZIM Azimuth
POPUL Population density
LANDC Land cover
D2G Ratio of diffuse to global irradiation
OPTA Optimum tilt of PV modules
TLEO Lowest expected operating temperature

 Other data:

  • Horizon
  • Sunpath
  • Day length
  • Solar zenith angle

Spatial resolution

Map layers:

GHI, DIF, DNI, GTI  9 arc-seconds, approx. 250m x 250m
PVOUT, TEMP, ALBEDO, HDD, CDD  30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km
WS, WD, RH, PWAT, PRECIP, SNOWD  2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4 km
Elevation, Slope, Azimuth  3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m


PV Calculation:

GHI, DNI, PWAT, SNOW_DAYS  2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4km
TEMP  30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km
PVOUT, Horizon  3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m


Geographical and temporal coverage

coverage map Prospect v202306+years+borders

The temporal coverage of Solargis irradiation data varies by region due to satellite imagery availability. With few exceptions, the coverage spans from the 1990s/2000s to the present time. Depending on the region, the long-term averages are calculated for a period from 1994/1999/2005/2007/2018 to 2022. Please, refer to the map above for specific start year.

The long-term averages of the other meteorological parameters are calculated for a period 1994-2022 globally.
Ground albedo data represents the long-term average for a period 2006-2015.