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Estimación rápida del potencial solar del emplazamiento fotovoltaico
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Datos, diseño y simulación fotovoltaica en una sola solución
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Evaluación de la producción fotovoltaica en tiempo real
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Previsión de la producción de energía solar para hasta 14 días
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Gestión de datos solares simplificada y unificada
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Automatice la entrega de datos Solargis
Casos de uso
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Selección de emplazamientos
Encuentre la ubicación adecuada para su proyecto solar
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Simulación de la producción de energía
Analice los beneficios y riesgos potenciales
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Optimización del diseño de plantas de generación eléctrica
Encuentre el diseño óptimo de la central eléctrica
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Rendimiento real de plantas de generación eléctrica
Conozca la verdadera producción eléctrica
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Predicción de generación
Obtenga predicciones de la producción de energía del proyecto solar
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Verificación de datos de tierra
Verifique la calidad de las mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Evaluación de recursos solares y meteorología
Validación y evaluación detallada del recurso solar
Adaptación al sitio de modelos Solargis
Combinación de datos de satélite con mediciones de tierra
Control de calidad de mediciones solares y meteorológicas
Corrección de errores en los datos medidos en tierra
Datos GIS personalizados
Datos GIS de Solargis personalizados para sus aplicaciones
Evaluación de la producción de energía fotovoltaica
Estimación de incertidumbres de energía y datos de entrada relacionados
Evaluación del rendimiento fotovoltaico
Estimación de energía para refinanciación o adquisición de activos
Estudio de variabilidad fotovoltaica y optimización de almacenamiento
Comprensión de la variabilidad de la producción en amplias regiones geográficas
Estudio del potencial regional de energía solar
Identificación de ubicaciones para plantas de energía solar
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Mapas y datos GIS gratuitos
Mapas de rendimiento solar
Acerca de Solargis
Certificación ISO

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Map layers and data included

Annual average, monthly averages, 12 x 24 profiles

GHI Global horizontal irradiation kWh/m2 Average annual, monthly or daily sum of global horizontal irradiation.
DIF Diffuse horizontal irradiation kWh/m2 Average yearly, monthly or daily sum of diffuse horizontal irradiation.
DNI Direct normal irradiation kWh/m2 Average yearly, monthly or daily sum of direct normal irradiation.
GTI Global tilted irradiation kWh/m2 Average annual, monthly or daily sum of global horizontal irradiation.
TEMP Air temperature at 2 meters °C / °F Average yearly, monthly and daily air temperature at 2 m above ground.
PVOUT PV cSi yield kWh Yearly and monthly average values of photovoltaic electricity (AC) delivered by the total installed capacity of a PV system.

Annual average, monthly averages

WS Wind speed m/s at 10 m above ground m/s Average yearly, monthly and daily wind speed at 10 m above ground.
RH Relative humidity at 2m above ground % Average yearly or monthly relative humidity at 2 m above ground.
PWAT Precipitable water kg/m2 Precipitable water is the depth of water vapour in a column of the atmosphere, if all the water in that column were precipitated as rain. It indicates the amount of moisture above ground.
PREC Precipitation (rainfall) mm Average yearly and monthly sums of precipitation.
SNOWD Snow days days Snow days are calculated as days with snow water depth equivalent to or higher than 5 mm.
ALB Surface albedo   Fraction of solar irradiance reflected by surface. Ratio of upwelling to downwelling (GHI) radiative fluxes at the surface.
CDD Cooling degree days degree days Quantifies energy demand needed to cool a building. "Cooling degree days" are a measure of how much (in degrees), and for how long (in days), outside air temperature was higher than a specific base daily average temperature (18°C). Yearly and monthly values are aggregated from daily values.
HDD Heating degree days degree days Quantifies energy demand needed to heat a building. "Heating degree days" are a measure of how much (in degrees), and for how long (in days), outside air temperature was lower than a specific base daily average temperature (18°C). Yearly and monthly values are aggregated from daily values.

Additional map layers

GHI_VAR_LONG Long-term variability of Global horizontal irradiation % The standard deviation of the yearly time series of GHI.
GHI_VAR_SHORT Short-term variability of Global horizontal irradiation   The yearly average count of GHI ramps exceeding the
400 W/m2 threshold, analyzed from Solargis GHI Time Series.
CORR Corrosion degradation rate % Degradation effect in PV modules, primarily driven by temperature and humidity.
TMOD_AMP50 Daily module temperature amplitude higher than 50 °C days The average number of days in a year with daily PV module temperature amplitude higher than 50 °C.
WG p99 Wind gust p99 m/s The 99th percentile of wind gusts at 10 m height above ground calculated from the ERA5 hourly dataset from 2001 to 2020, averaged to provide a yearly number.
UVA Ultraviolet A radiation kWh/m2 Average annual UVA radiation.
UVB Ultraviolet B radiation kWh/m2 Average annual UVB radiation.
ELE Elevation    
SLO Slope    
AZIM Azimuth    
POPUL Population density    
LANDC Land cover    
D2G Ratio of diffuse to global irradiation   Ratio of diffuse horizontal irradiation and global horizontal irradiation (DIF/GHI).
OPTA Optimum tilt of PV modules    
TLEO Lowest expected operating temperature °C / °F Mean of annual extreme low temperatures according to IEC 62738.
THEO Highest expected operating temperature °C / °F Average of the highest recorded air temperatures over 20 years at the site according to IEC 62738.

Other data

Horizon, Sun path, Day length, Solar zenith angle

Spatial resolution

Map layers

Spatial resolution Data parameters

3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m

9 arc-seconds, approx. 250m x 250m

10 arc-seconds, approx. 300m x 300m

30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km

2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4 km

0.1 degree, approx. 11 km x 11 km

0.25 degree, approx. 28 km x 28 km








PV Calculation

Spatial resolution Data parameters

3 arc-seconds, approx. 90m x 90m

30 arc-seconds, approx. 1 km x 1 km

2 arc-minutes, approx. 4 km x 4km

0.1 degree, approx. 11 km x 11 km

0.25 degree, approx. 28 km x 28 km

PVOUT, Horizon





Geographical and temporal coverage


Time representation of various parameters depends on the input sources and models behind them. With few exceptions, it spans from the 1990s/2000s to the last year. Depending on the region, the long-term averages are calculated for a period from 1994/1999/2005/2007/2018 to 2023. Please, refer to the map above for the specific start year.

The long-term averages of the other meteorological parameters are calculated for a period 1994-2023 globally.

Ground albedo data represents the long-term average for a period 2006-2015.