Evaluate Professional plan includes new parameters:
WG - Wind gusts at surface [m/s]
PREC - Precipitation total [kg/m²]
Now, to increase the likelihood of finding better candidate months for TMY Pxx (P90, P75, etc.), the original data is split into smaller chunks of 15 days, and many candidate months are generated by mutual combinations of these smaller data chunks. The methodology for TMY P50 remains unchanged.
We have released the minor update of SG - 1.10.4:
Notification about available data between 60° and 65° latitude.
Copy to clipboard feature has been added to geographical coordinates
Customer Admin
Customer invitation process has been improved
TMY data now available via API in 4 different output format types: SOLARGIS_JSON, SOLARGIS_CSV, SAM, HELIOSCOPE.
Now accessible in Czech, German, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.
We updated Solargis Prospect database to Version 1.2. Some of the improvements and new features are:
Previously, there was a numerical instability due to the calculation of PVOUT uncertainty margins and sometimes extreme values for shading periods were present in the data. We have introduced limits to the uncertainty bars to avoid extreme values in the case of numerical instability.
The far shading calculation for PVOUT has been fixed. In the cases where the inter-row shading was calculated for FIXEDONEANGLE and ONEAXISHORIZANTALNS geometry systems, the shading of the direct component was not functioning properly. This does not affect the GTI values, which was already correct.
Our newest tool Analyst has already been updated to version 1.4.1 with multiple bug fixes, usage of new framework and engine, and more. Some of these features, improvements and fixes are listed below:
Nowcasts have been extended in the Himawari region and now sites in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Papua can receive new forecast updates every 30 minutes during daytime hours.