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New generation Solargis Evaluate: data, PV design & simulation, analysis, and reports in one cloud-based solution. Discover more ->
A ten-year analysis of solar irradiance released by Solargis has illustrated the impacts of significant resource variability on several key global solar markets including India, Australia and North America.
Photovoltaic (PV) power market is doubling every 3 years. To be fully competitive in energy markets, PV industry has to reduce costs and make the variable power more
predictable and matching with demand.
Increased global data demand across the Americas, Europe and Southeast Asia shows maturity of the solar market, as Solargis surpasses 45GW monitoring and forecasting milestone.
Recently, we have enlarged the collection of solar resource maps with the maps at continental scales, covering Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.
Solargis expands its presence in Toronto in response to demand from the North American solar industry as it scales up and faces new resource-related risks to profitability.
Solargis report finds that estimates of production increase for bifacial compared to monofacial vary significantly between 4% and 17%. Albedo resource is a key factor influencing bifacial gains, yet remains little understood
Vietnamese grid operator, NLDC, contracts Solargis to provide forecasting data for over 7GW of solar and wind capacity as the market continues rapid growth.
European Commission selected a consortium of 19 expert companies from 8 countries to focus on technical innovation in photovoltaics. Solargis will contribute to advanced PV simulation tools, data analytics and quality control and we will also lead works on improved solar power forecasting.
Reliance on publicly available solar datasets may hold back development and operation of profitable solar projects in Japan. Solargis sees growing demand for high-resolution, validated solar data from international and domestic developers.
At Solargis, we have supported a decade of growth in the solar sector – and continue to support it through its transition into a new phase of post-subsidy development and operation. Reducing risk in this changing landscape requires a focus on efficiency. Solar asset owners are looking to get the most out of their projects, supported by the latest developments in solar and meteorological data.
High April solar resource levels in the UK and Germany drive new production records, while new capacity helps Spain hit record production despite below average resource in March
Amid the global disruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic – and the wide-ranging impacts it has had throughout the solar supply chain, from manufacturing, to project development, to operations and maintenance (O&M) – one thing has become clear: Solar power is essential.