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Publication date
Scientific paper
Accuracy-enhanced solar resource maps of South Africa
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. J. Meyer, J. L. van Niekerk, 2015, Proceedings of the SASEC 2015 Conference, Skukuza, South Africa, 12 May 2015
Scientific paper
Typical Meteorological Year Data: Solargis Approach
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2015, Energy Procedia, Volume 69, May 2015, Pages 1958-1969
Scientific paper
Site-adaptation of satellite-based DNI and GHI time series: overview and Solargis approach
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2015, AIP Conference Proceedings 1734, 150002 (2016)
Scientific paper
A methodology for evaluating the spatial variability of the wind energy resources: Application to assess the potential contribution of wind energy to baseload power
J. Tovar-Pescador, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, V. Lara-Fanego, J. A. Ruiz-Arias, 2014, Renewable Energy, Vol. 69, pp 147 - 156
Scientific paper
Analysis of the spectral variations on the performance of high concentrator photovoltaic modules operating under different real climate conditions
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, E. F. Fernández, F. Almonacid, A. Soria-Moya, 2014, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, Vol. 127, pp 179 - 187
Scientific paper
A simple parameterization of the short-wave aerosol optical properties for surface direct and diffuse irradiances assessment in a numerical weather model
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, C. A. Gueymard, J. Dudhia, 2014, Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 7, pp 593 - 629
Scientific paper
Performance of separation models to predict direct irradiance at high frequency: Validation over arid areas
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, C. A. Gueymard, 2014, Eurosun Conference, Aix-les-Bains France. 16-19 September
Improved method for generating Typical Meteorological Year data for solar energy simulations
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2014, SolarPACES Conference, 16-19 September 2014, Beijing, China
Uncertainty of satellite derived DNI data in arid regions from the global perspective
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2014, SolarPACES Conference, 16-19 September 2014, Beijing, China
Solar and meteo data: Reducing uncertainty of solar energy projects
M. Šúri, 2014, 16th Renewable Energy Finance Forum (REFF) - Europe, 23-24 September 2014, Dublin, Ireland
Scientific paper
Cloud cover impact on photovoltaic power production in South Africa
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, A. Skoczek, R. Meyer, R. Marais, C. Mushwana, J. Reinecke, 2014, Proceedings of the SASEC 2014 Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 28 January 2014
Scientific paper
Satellite-based solar resource data: Model validation statistics versus user’s uncertainty
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, 2014, ASES SOLAR 2014 Conference, San Francisco, 7-9 July 2014
Scientific paper
Analysis of WRF model wind estimate sensitivity to parameterization choice and terrain representation in Andalusia (southern Spain)
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, V. Lara-Fanego, J. Tovar- Pescador, F. J. Santos Alamillos, 2013, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol. 52, pp. 1592 – 1609
Scientific paper
A geostatistical approach for producing daily Level-3 MODIS aerosol optical depth analyses
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, J. Dudhia, V. Lara-Fanego, 2013, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 79, pp 395 – 405
Scientific paper
Surface clear-sky shortwave radiative closure intercomparisons in the Weather Research and Forecasting model
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, F. J. Santos-Alamillos, J. Dudhia, 2013, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Vol. 118, pp. 1 – 13
Scientific paper
An artificial neural network ensemble model for estimating global solar radiation from Meteosat satellite images
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Tovar-Pescador, A. Linares-Rodríguez, D. Pozo-Vázquez, 2013, Energy, Vol. 61, pp 636 – 645
Scientific paper
Comparison of numerical weather prediction solar irradiance forecasts in the US, Canada and Europe
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, J. Remund, R. Perez, E. Lorenz, S. Pelland, M. Beauharnois, G. Van Knowe, Jr. Hemker, K., D. Heinemann, S. C. Müller, W. Traunmüller, G. Steinmauer, D. Pozo, Lara-Fanego, V., L. Ramírez-Santigosa, M. Gastón-Romero, L. M. Pomares, 2013, Solar Energy, Vol. 94, pp 305 – 326
Scientific paper
Assessment of the Level-3 MODIS daily aerosol optical depth in the context of surface solar radiation and numerical weather modeling
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, C. A. Gueymard, D. Pozo-Vázquez, J. Dudhia, 2013, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 13, pp. 675 – 692
Semi-Empirical Satellite Models
M. Šúri, T. Cebecauer, R. Perez, 2013, In Kleissl J. (ed.) Solar Energy Forecasting and Resource Assessment, Academic press, pp. 21-48
Scientific paper
Assessment of the renewable energies potential for intensive electricity production in the province of Jaén, southern Spain
J. A. Ruiz-Arias, D. Pozo-Vázquez, P. Pérez-Higueras, J. Terrados, G. Almonacid, 2012, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 16, pp. 2994 – 3001