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Solargis is proud to announce the launch of the Global Solar Atlas, developed by Solargis as part of the World Bank Group’s ESMAP initiative. Currently, the Global Solar Atlas is the only free resource that makes available PV electricity potential data, globally, at the resolution as high as 1 km.
Since we first launched the Solargis database, our mission has been to play a role in making the solar industry more efficient and competitive. Our contribution to the Global Solar Atlas is another step towards fulfilling our mission.
We are confident that this new development will greatly benefit the academic sector and small businesses who until now relied on lower-quality free solar data sources. By making available Solargis annual average data via the Global Solar Atlas we lose an important revenue stream. This tough decision was made easier because of the faith our customers – old and new – have shown in our services over last years. We also expect that this collaboration with World Bank will help us further cement our position as a provider of the most reliable solar energy assessment services.
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