新一代 Solargis Evaluate:集数据、光伏设计与模拟、分析和报告于一体的云端解决方案。了解更多 ->Solargis Evaluate
A comprehensive cloud-based solution that integrates accurate solar and meteo data, advanced PV design and energy yield simulations, along with detailed analysis and reporting.
Using 15-minute time series data spanning up to 30 years, the new Evaluate delivers unparalleled detail and accuracy for your solar projects.
High-resolution data (250 m spatial resolution and 1-min or 15-min temporal resolution) better represents typical and extreme weather and improve the accuracy of solar energy simulations.
Solargis data has been validated at more than 1500 public and commercial locations globally, and the model validation is systematically expanding. Uncertainty of Solargis data can be easily estimated for different climate regions.
Solargis data is available for past, present, and future periods and is updated in real time. We can meet your energy assessment needs from project conception to routine daily management.
Our team has more than 20 years of experience in solar resource assessment and PV energy modeling.
Multiple independent studies have confirmed Solargis to be the most reliable solar database.
Quality of our data can be transparently verified at any location. Our methodologies are peer-reviewed and published.
Solargis data and services are available for 99% of the world’s population and cover a 30-year history.
We fill the occasional gaps in the data flow thanks to our proprietary intelligent algorithms.
PV power plant developers, operators, and other solar industry stakeholders need accurate data, an industry-specific software solution, and consultancy support to achieve the best possible results throughout the entire PV plant's lifecycle.
We cover all three.
We provide solar industry professionals with a reliable source of solar radiation, meteorological, and environmental parameters.
The source includes a detailed archive of rigorously validated, high-resolution historical data. The real-time operation data services are fully customizable to fit your project needs.
Our software provides high-performance PV energy simulation, capabilities for data quality control, data analysis, and assembling bankable data for evaluating solar assets.
As a performance evaluation solution, it integrates on-site validated measured and modeled data as well as solar power forecasting.
It's designed to provide precise and actionable insights for effective solar project management and planning.
Leverage our solar industry know-how based on experience working on 1500+ solar energy projects worldwide.
With Solargis' expert and hands-on consultancy services, you will better understand, manage, and reduce weather-related risks in solar power projects.
We offer bankable energy assessment and risk evaluation at the project level or a broader regional analysis for all strategic initiatives.
Discover Solargis' solutions for all stages of the solar power plant lifecycle.
From site selection and yield simulation to designing, monitoring, and forecasting, our software and data ensure you get the right insights.
Scan and compare tens or even hundreds of potential sites. Get an in-depth analysis of those with the highest solar potential.
Simulate the yield potential of your next project with the most accurate solar and weather data on the market.
Get deep insights into potential power plant setups. Evaluate environmental data that will affect an asset's efficiency and output.
Compare the actual performance of your power plant to the predictions. Identify the reasons for any lower production.
Manage variability with 14-day power output forecasts. Get insights for trading, reduce grid penalties, and plan maintenance through accurate energy output predictions.
Cross-reference your ground measurements with satellite data. Uncover potential issues such as sensor soiling, shading, or equipment error.
Large solar projects supported yearly by our bankable solar and meteo data, software, and services
Years of experience with solar projects and improving industry standards
Coverage of the world’s population with 30+ years of solar and meteorological data