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The process of estimating solar radiation data uncertainty can be sometimes unclear. We've tried to summarise in 4 simple steps.
Just as there are horses for courses, different forecasting techniques are more suitable depending on the intended forecast lead time.
In collaboration with our partners, GeoSUN Africa and Suntrace, we have recently installed a total of 10 solar measuring stations across Zambia and Maldives.
Accurate solar resource data is needed for planning, engineering and financing of a solar energy project.
It is widely accepted that high-standard pyranometers operated under rigorously controlled conditions are to be used for bankable performance assessment of photovoltaic (PV) power systems.
On Monday 23 Feb 2015 at 16:00 UTC, Marcel Suri (Solargis) and Tom Hoff (Clean Power Research) present the use of weather satellite data