
Documentation Product guides Time series and TMY data

Horizon shading and climData files

Data files provided through climData are designed for being used on energy yield simulations. Since far shading losses are usually determined during the simulation, by default the effect of the horizon is not included in climData Time series or TMY files. However, if for any reason you need to have the far shading applied to the irradiance data, we can do it on request.

So in general, when you are running simulations in a third-party simulation software using a Solargis .csv file as an input, you can follow these steps:

  1. Download the solar and meteo data file .csv from climData.
  2. Download the horizon data file .hor for the same site from Prospect app.
  3. Upload both files into the yield simulation software and run yield calculations for your PV system (if you are using PVsyst, please see more info here).